This is my first post regarding Alopecia Areata and the use of Latisse. I have created this
blog in order to share my experiences with this illness and specially when it comes to the use of Latisse to regrow the eyelashes but I will write also about other things related to AA, which in my case
is affecting my scalp and my beard for the last 10 years and my eyelashes for the last 2 months.
There are only a few studies regarding the effectiveness of Latisse with Alopecia Areata. I will comment them in coming posts. In general there are mix reviews on the Internet about how effective Latisse is for AA. I am gonna try it myself and we all can see how it goes. Whether it works for me or not, it does not mean much, I am just one single case so it could just work also with placebo or maybe it doesn't work for me but it does work for others...we will see.
I have AA due in my opinion to stress/ I think it is stress related in my case.This is a personal opinion. I got it just 6 months after I started working for the first time and I can still feel the anxiety.
I had been "fighting" with AA since then and for last 10 years, and got several patches on my scalp and several that I still keep in my beard. The ones in the head come and go but not the ones in my beard. The alopecia areata barbae has one good thing and one bad. The good one is that is more difficult to see, and the bad one is that is more resistant to treatment and harder to treat also. It is in the skin of your face, so I really have to take care not to damage it.
Eight weeks ago I noticed that I lost some eyelashes and have been slowly losing more until today where I have lost lets say around 35% of them. Two weeks ago I went to the dermatologist and he recommended me to use Latisse. I have been using it since then. The picture you will see today is after two weeks of results so far.
For the last month I have taken AA more serious since the eyelashes is something that you really can see...its not like the scalp, or the beard. So I have started going to the psychologist for a month and am trying to get the anxiety out of my body. That will hopefully also help.
I will be happy to read your words and your experiences. Sorry about my english as it is not my mother language, and please contact me for whatever you may like to share.
Current Treatment: Psychologist to treat anxiety
5% minoxidil once a day for my scalp (treat scalp spots)
Sun (when sunny trying to get at least 15minutes of sun/day)
Latisse (on both eyes, once a day)
This is the picture taken after two weeks of Latisse.
There are only a few studies regarding the effectiveness of Latisse with Alopecia Areata. I will comment them in coming posts. In general there are mix reviews on the Internet about how effective Latisse is for AA. I am gonna try it myself and we all can see how it goes. Whether it works for me or not, it does not mean much, I am just one single case so it could just work also with placebo or maybe it doesn't work for me but it does work for others...we will see.
I have AA due in my opinion to stress/ I think it is stress related in my case.This is a personal opinion. I got it just 6 months after I started working for the first time and I can still feel the anxiety.
I had been "fighting" with AA since then and for last 10 years, and got several patches on my scalp and several that I still keep in my beard. The ones in the head come and go but not the ones in my beard. The alopecia areata barbae has one good thing and one bad. The good one is that is more difficult to see, and the bad one is that is more resistant to treatment and harder to treat also. It is in the skin of your face, so I really have to take care not to damage it.
Eight weeks ago I noticed that I lost some eyelashes and have been slowly losing more until today where I have lost lets say around 35% of them. Two weeks ago I went to the dermatologist and he recommended me to use Latisse. I have been using it since then. The picture you will see today is after two weeks of results so far.
For the last month I have taken AA more serious since the eyelashes is something that you really can see...its not like the scalp, or the beard. So I have started going to the psychologist for a month and am trying to get the anxiety out of my body. That will hopefully also help.
I will be happy to read your words and your experiences. Sorry about my english as it is not my mother language, and please contact me for whatever you may like to share.
Current Treatment: Psychologist to treat anxiety
5% minoxidil once a day for my scalp (treat scalp spots)
Sun (when sunny trying to get at least 15minutes of sun/day)
Latisse (on both eyes, once a day)
This is the picture taken after two weeks of Latisse.